Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with fat transposition, skin pinch, lower lid tightening, and a TCA lower eyelid peel. This procedure is transformative for just about anyone.
Lower Orbital Bone Filler
#NazSquad knows we don’t believe or do “tear trough” filler. No no no, here we ensure that A) we use the least amount of product necessary to give the desired effect, and B) the filler is placed ON THE ORBITAL BONE. That way, we ensure that we minimize the risk of filler migration and hydration.
Asian Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
In Asian upper eyelids, there is either no eyelid crease, one eyelid crease, or multiple eyelid creases - in this case there were multiple. That means that all other lid creases needed to be removed and the lid crease of choice was secured giving the patient a rejuvenated, youthful, and more symmetric appearance.
Upper Lid Blepharoplasty
How will I looked 1 week after surgery? Well here ya go! 1 week after an upper lid blepharoplasty at the suture removal appointment.
Revision Surgery
Right upper eyelid retraction repair & revision blepharoplasty with removal of bilateral upper eyelid scarring
NEO Lower Face & Neck
Series of microneedling radiofrequency treatments with regenerative stem cells and exosomes to contour and define the jawline and neck
Lower Eyelid Belpharoplasty with Co2 Skin Resurfacing
Surgical excision of lower eyelid skin with CO2 resurfacing
Winston Zechariah Laser Treatment
This treatment is PERFECT for anyone wanting clearer and more radiant skin!
The Garden of Eden
The lobby of the Naz Experience is meant to symbolize the Garden of Eden. It’s a place I quite often imagined and a concept that I’ve been enamored with my entire life, not in a religious sense, but in a sense that we all unequivocally share a common birthplace.
Orbital Bone Filler
Tear trough filler with hyaluronic acid has always been out at The Naz Experience. Placement of filler in this region will inevitably lead to problems as the downstream effect is and always will be congestion of orbital lymphatics.
Upper Eyelid Belpharoplasty
Surgical excision of upper eyelid skin and orbital fat sculpting.
The Sun Room
Come visit room 111 at The Naz Experience aka The Sun Room. Step into the light~!
Best Botox Provider 2024
A big BIG thank you to the DMV for naming us at the BEST BOTOX PROVIDER! It’s what you can expect from a practice led by a formally trained oculofacial plastic surgeon. Surgical level injectables = superior results. No trends. No gimmicks. Just years and years of hard work, dedication, and mastery of the craft. Simple
You Are Safe Here.
Here you’re protected, here you’re safe. Welcome to The Naz Experience.
Neo Lower Face Rejuvenation
Just like different surgeons provide different results, lasers are no different. We do Morpheus 8 a little differently at #TheNazExperience. We have added the newest and greatest regenerative technology to create a brand new treatment; one that has more robust results. We believe in it so strongly that we call it the NEO. Come and see the difference yourself.
Nazed Lip Augmentation
One session of dermal filler to achieve natural lip height, contour, pout, and symmetry; Minimal downtime - 24-48 hours of possible bruising/swelling - can be covered with makeup if necessary; No exercise for 24 hours; Results are immediate (allow 2 weeks for filler to fully integrate into lips); Contact office for pricing
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with fat transposition, skin pinch, and TCA butterfly peel. Period.